People at the Parish of Penrith

David Sargent Team Rector,
Penrith Rural Dean

Beth Honey

Penrith Pioneer Enabler & Restore Chaplain

Mary Edwards

Andrew Gardner Deacon 

Julie Barrett


Hugh Ellison
Reader with permission to officiate.
Retired Clergy/
Diocesan Staff

Chris Sims Assistant priest (retired)

Julia Powley

Assistant priest (retired)

Mike Houston

Assistant priest (retired)

Peter ClementDiocesan Director of Vocations

Paul Dunthorne

Emmanuel Theological College, Penrith Centre Lead Tutor



Phillip Lund Churchwarden

Mark Popple


Margaret Irving Churchwarden

Chris Nuttall


Suzanne Gamble Secretary
Duncan Walker Assistant Secretary
Cliff Harper Treasurer
Margaret IrvingParish Safeguarding Officer

Colin Marston Organist and Choirmaster
(St Andrew's)

Philip Bell

Organist (Christ Church)

Stuart Harper Sacristan and head server
Alistair Harper Verger (St Andrew's)

Sally Hardaker

Verger (Christ Church)

Duncan Walker Tower Captain
Kath Powley
Margaret Reed
Tuesday Club Leaders 



Carole Gardner
Penrith Mothers' Union
Judith Markey
Chair of School Govenors, Beaconside C of E Primary School

Carole Gardner Church Electoral Roll Officer



Joanne Irving




Duncan Walker, John Woodman, David Sargent & Joanne Irving

"Beacon" magazine editorial committee

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Revd. Canon David Sargent,        Revd. Beth Honey
          Team Rector                    Penrith Pioneer Enabler & 
                                                Restore Chaplain

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  Revd. Mary Edwards               Revd. Andrew Gardner
          Deacon                                    Deacon

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Revd. Canon Peter Clement             Ven. Chris Sims

julia      mike
     Revd. Julia Powley                   Revd. Mike Houston

    Revd. Paul Dunthorne