Service Times

Everyone is welcome to join us as we worship God together.

For monthly pattern of weekday and Sunday by Sunday services see below. For special services and events see What On.


8.00 a.m.   Holy Communion (said) - Christ Church

10.00 a.m.  Parish Communion - St Andrew's
(1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th Sundays)
Also livestreamed

10.00 a.m.  Iona Communion - St Andrew's
(3rd Sunday)
Also livestreamed

10.00 a.m. Worship Together - Christ Church 
(1st & 3rd Sunday)
An Alternative, informal style, all-age service

10.30 a.m. Holy Communion / Morning Praise - Christ Church
(2nd Sunday)
Traditional worship with organ music and hymns (alternating each month between Holy Communion and Morning Praise)

10.30 a.m.  Morning Worship in URC Tradition- - Christ Church
(4th Sunday)

10.00 a.m. Penrith Benefice Service - St Andrew's
(5th Sunday)
Bringing together our worshipping communities

6.00 p.m.  Evensong - St Andrew's
(1st Sunday - May to October)


8.30 a.m.   Morning Prayer - St Andrew's

9.30 a.m.  Holy Communion (said service) - St Andrew's

Quiet week day morning service of Holy Communion with traditional language.

12.30 p.m. Celtic Communion - St Andrew's
A reflective service of Holy Communion in the Celtic tradition.

2.30 p.m. Penrith Tea Service - Christ Church
A simple (but still "proper church") service  of about 25 minutes , with familiar hymns and prayers followed by tea and cakes.

The service is for all but is especially suitable for anyone for whom Sunday morning worship is no longer possible.

All are invited to share the friendly welcome and accepting nature of the gathering. The tea and cakes after the service bring us together in gentle fellowship and good conversation.

The Penrith Tea Service is an opportunity for a form of regular worship and friendship which enables people to continue or start their connection to the local church family.

Friends from many of the other Penrith churches assist with this service.

Please do come along- you will be most welcome.

'Strangers are just friends we haven't met yet'